This year, a total of 11 students from Welight Art were selected as Finalists and Honourable Mentions, with students from all four age groups being chosen. The children's artworks will be exhibited at the New South Wales Art Gallery for nearly 4 months. Congratulations to all the award-winning kids, and congratulations to the few guiding teachers as well.

// My friend//
Cameron Ho, 6 years old

// Hugh //
Hung Zheng, 8 years old

// Me enjoying my favourite ice-cream //
Zoe Qiwei Jiang, 8 years old

// My friend's cat and me //
Emma Yuqian Wang, 8 years old

// My baby brother going to school//
Sophia Wang, 9 years old

// My dad //
Mackenzie Powell, 12 years old

// Self-portrait //
Thomas Buchanan, 10 years old

// Reflection //
Jocelyn Jiaxuan Ying, 14 years old

// In a Malaysian restaurant //
Joyce Wang, 16 years old

// Self-portrait //
Meilin Shi, 16 years old

// Self-portrait //
Jinling Bu, 17 years old